Manuscript Score of The Jubilee Overture
by Carl Maria von Weber (1786 - 1826)
This is a manuscript score of Weber's Jubilee Overture which had been presented to Sir George Smart on 17th July 1843 by John Hedgley, " a small acknowledgement of past favors confered. By his much obliged servant....".
Sir George Smart (1776-1867) was known to Beethoven and was a friend of Weber (who actually died in his house).
In 1861, the manuscript was given by Sir George to Sir Arthur Sullivan. Upon his death in 1900, Sir Arthur's heir (his nephew, Herbert 'Bertie' Thomas Sullivan) inherited this score and in 1925 (upon becoming Junior Warden) he presented it to the Musicians' Company; refering to it as "...the Author's Manuscript" (Ref: MB11,p.16). It was subsequently confirmed by the British Museum that was not the 'autograph' copy by Weber (Museum correspondence is shown right).
Shown left is a 1925 note from Herbert Sullivan to the Treasurer, Arthur F Hill regarding the provenance of this manuscript (click image to expand).
Herbert Sullivan (shown in the image right standing behind his Uncle Arthur) served as Master of the Musicians' Company from 1926-27 and died in 1928.

The contents of the manuscript are shown below. Click on the image to expand and scroll though.
Carl Maria von Weber composed his Jubilee Overture in 1818 to commemorate the 50th year of the reign of Frederick Augustus I of Saxony. The work concludes with the familiar tune, 'Heil dir im Siegerkranz' (God Save the King).

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