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Musician Lord Mayors

Alderman, Sir Andrew Parmley

(Lord Mayor 2016 - 2017)

The Musicians' Company Archive Project

Alderman, Sir Andrew Charles Parmley (b. 1956) joined the Court of Common Council in 1992 and was elected Alderman for the Ward of Vintry in 2001. He served as Sheriff in 2014 and was elected Lord Mayor of London in 2016. He was appointed Knight Bachelor in the 2018 New Year Honours.

Sir Andrew’s Mother Company is the Musicians and he served as Master in 2011-12. He is also a Past Master of the Glass Sellers' and the Parish Clerks' Companies, a Court Assistant of the Vintners' Company and an Honorary Liveryman of the Joiners & Ceilers, Horners, Water Conservators, Blacksmiths and Educators.

He is Principal at the Harrodian School and Organist of St James Garlickhythe. He is a Trustee of the City Music Foundation (along with Sir Roger Gifford, a past Lord Mayor and Master of the Musicians' Company 2016-17).

Click the image left to see a video featuring Sir Andrew and Alderman, Sir Roger Gifford playing a recorder sonata at the Mansion House with a young music student. In it they talk about the work of the City Music Foundation established by Sir Roger during his Mayoral year.

The pipe organ being played by Sir Andrew was commissioned by Sir Roger (on behalf of the City of London Corporation) and presented to the Queen during his period as Lord Mayor.

During 2013, this organ (made by Manders of Bethnal Green, London) was used a number of times at Mansion House for concerts. The WCOM Midsummer Banquet was held there and the picture (right) shows Sir Roger in duet with the Master at the time, John Morehen at the organThe instrument now resides in 'The Lady Chapel' of Westminster Abbey.

The Musicians' Company Archive Project

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