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If you have any comments, corrections or suggestions, or want to send a message for any other reason, please use this method to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

This page provides downloadable copies of the Company's bi-annual Journal together with a General Index covering every issue.

This section provides connections through to other websites offering additional and or supporting information, together with further items of interest.

Here is a list of every Master of the Musicians' Company since 1736 - and a few before then as well. Also past Clerks, Treasurers & Beadles are listed.

The Guildhall Library contains a number of bound booklets and pamphlets containing lists of people within the Company together, in most instances, with their date of admission.

This page presents further details of the Records Of London's Livery Companies Online (ROLLCO) and the link with the Musicians' Company.

This section outlines the Company's main Awards, Prizes, Competitions, Scholarships and Fellowships. It also identifies many of the winners or recipients of each Award.

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