From Richard Crewdson's Apollo (2000):
In 1949 it was decided that the obtaining of a new Charter was essential, and the old procedure, differing little from that followed in 1603, was once more put in train. First the permission of the Court of Aldermen had to be obtained. This was given and communicated by the Town Clerk on 23 February 1950. Then the Petition, in approved form, was submitted to the Privy Council Office, and on 8 December 1950 the Clerk of the Privy Council reported that:
"The King was pleased, at the Council held by His Majesty today,
to approve the grant of a Charter to the Worshipful Company
of Musicians of London".
With the Grant of the George VI Charter the long and untidy saga of the good-standing of the Company at last came to an end, and in due course the event was celebrated by the obliteration of the dates '1469' and '1906' from the Company's Badge and the substitution of '1500' and '1950'. The '1604' date was retained. [Click Here for an example of the old and new Company Badges or 'Livery Medals']
The principal difference between [the 1950 Charter] and earlier Acts, Charter and Bye-Laws (as might be expected) is the absence of any power to regulate City musicians or conscript them into the Company. It was replaced in the 1950 Charter by a principal object defined in terms of support rather than control.
A copy of the 1950 George VI Charter is held in the Company Office and images of each page are presented below: