Alfred Joseph Clements (1858-1938), shown right, was awarded the Cobbett Gold Medal for services to Chamber Music in 1926. He had been Organiser and Secretary of the South Place Sunday Popular Concert Series since its inception in 1887 and continued to be so until his death.
The Cobbett Award was presented to Clements by the Master (Henry Dexter Truscott) at a Dinner following the Court Meeting on 20th April 1926 held at Stationers' Hall. Shown below are a number of items regarding that event (click to enlarge):
Shown left is the front cover of a Scrapbook containing Press Cuttings regarding Clements' work with the South Place Concerts and the receiving of the 'Cobbett Award' from the Musicians' Company.
The contents of that Scrapbook are shown below; click on an image to expand and scroll through, click on 'Go to link' to enlarge further.

Shown left is the front cover of a bound series of pages which contain an expression of thanks for the contribution made by Alfred Clements to the South Place Concert Series. These pages also include the names of everyone that wished to be associated with this gratitude and indeed the associated financial gift. The names include Walter W Cobbett, Herbert Howells and Charles Villiers Stanford.
Each page is shown below, click on an image to expand and scroll through, click 'Go to link' to enlarge further.

Shown below left is the gold embossed plaque installed at Conway Hall in Holborn (where the 'South Place' concerts have taken place since 1929). The image below middle is the front cover of the Anniversay Concert Programme celebrating 50 Years of these concerts and was held on 21st February 1937. Shown on the right hand side below, is a page from the Book of Remembrance held in the Musicians' Chapel in the Church of St Sepulchre without Newgate - Alfred Clements name is registered, as is his wife Dora..
Image copyright: Friends of the Musicians' Chapel
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