relevance or importance (which they wouldn't mind being photographed and presented on this Archive website), please get in touch via the Contact section of this website.
Company Handbooks:
The Archive website and in particular the Treasures section, has borrowed significantly from three excellent publications: the original Company Handbook first published 1902,
edited by Mr A.C. Hunter; The Worshipful Company of Musicians - A Short History, compiled by Brigadier H.A.F. Crewdson, first published 1950, Constable & Co. Ltd and Apollo's Swan and Lyre, by Mr Richard Crewdson, 2000, Boydell Press. Grateful thanks are especially due to both former Clerks to the Company for the production of these invaluable guides.

A few years ago the Company was involved - along with a number of other Livery Companies, with a University of London initiative called 'ROLLCO' (Records Of London's Livery Companies Online). Published in 2014, it offers a searchable database of Company Freemen and Apprentices up to 1900. This facility continues to offer much help to historians, music researchers and members of the City's Livery Companies and is well worth investigating. For more information on ROLLCO and a link to their searchable site, please Click Here.
Preserve Harmony:
The twice-yearly journal, Preserve Harmony, was launched in 1990 as a 6-sided, unbound leaflet and has developed since then into a professionally published, glossy, full colour magazine. This website tracks its progress from the first edition through until the present day. Click Here to go straight to that section.

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